Matinee Entertainment is a film production studio based in Hyderabad with a focus on new-age feature films. The studio design pays homage to nature by bringing elements from an outdoor shoot into the office interiors. The interiors of the studio fiddle with natural light, earthy colors, foliage, and murals. Greenery is a leitmotif here. A play cast in light and shadow made for appropriate choice when designing for a workspace for the production of films. These and other elements make the Matinee office an atypical sanctuary combining the exotic thrill of an outdoor location with the cozy, practical confines of an indoor space. The studio bifurcates into two, an office and a preview theatre. In the office, crisp, hand-painted white walls play light boys capturing dancing, palm tree, murals. The ceiling is a deep, moss green mimicking a deciduous, forest. A passageway featuring wood-paneled walls and ceiling that hold lighting consoles create a dappled distribution of light along the corridor- a veritable stairway into starlight that tumbles into the conference room and directors' offices. The choice in reclaimed wood was explicitly made to shelter and make sound-proof these areas creating the effect of a secluded arboreal alcove for essential matters and private discussion. Wood also features in the studio furniture, indoor and outdoor benches and display accents. The end of the corridor leads to the preview theatre. Terracotta breeze blocks placed in a unique geometry lends an earthy character to the composition and filters natural light into the premises in stunning patterns. The preview theatre borrows elements from traditional amphitheater design to accommodate large screenings. The preview theatre also holds a bar, an entertainment area, and a smoking deck. The ceiling here is hand painted to create the illusion of a forest canopy. The furniture is light and portable facilitating ease of movement. The lights for the studio are all custom-made in concrete. Line art depicting flora and fauna find a place on the ceiling reinterpreting palace and cathedral architecture. Bold chevron patterns in charcoal grey and mint lay stamped on the studio's granite flooring.