The Deccan Story is a concept store in Hyderabad city born in the culture of the age-old practice of the city's durbar tradition. The store serves as an exposition of the best of fashion design from across India for a local audience. We scouted for a home with history in Hyderabad to preserve the city's local flavor and antiquity in the physical structure, eventually locating it on the first floor of a twenty-year-old house built in the early 90s. The black granite flooring and crisp, white-washed walls of the home have been retained as they are and accentuated with white marble accents on the walls of the trial room and at the billing counter. The role of white in the color theme was essential to play with natural lighting likening itself to ‘kora’ linen familiar to textile designers. Choice in color palette served as a central design function in retaining the historicity of the home and the store. Classic Deccan colors such as dark green and gold accent the store as seen in its gold and brass polished doorway. Brass accents, another feature of traditional Deccan architecture and decor, also feature predominantly throughout the store. Yellow Jaisalmer accents were used to represent the quintessential Indian. Archways sculpted in traditional Hyderabadi style create artistic nooks for clothes to be displayed. Mirrors, mannequins, and hangers were custom made for the studio with the mannequins incorporating white marble accents as well. Adding a traveler’s touch and global ethic to the store is its name board engraved in Jaisalmer stone.