The Room Therapy is a studio space in Hyderabad city providing exceptional design solutions and exquisitely designed interior decor products to those calling the city home. The studio offers clients a chance to remedy or renovate their rooms and homes. Remedying is made through small changes and providing the right accessories. The studio was designed keeping in mind its function as an artist's workspace and warehouse and takes on the typical aesthetic quality of a potter's kiln. Walls turn into canvases to serve as an appropriate display based on color codes. Some walls were left untouched as brick wall facades lending an earthy and muted color palette and the perfect backdrop for distressed wood cabinets and monotone wall decor to showcase. Other walls are painted over with white plaster where color-popping decor pieces and ceramics in pastels can dance off the walls in a show of splendor. Blue and yellow tiling and a patina wall finish take over yet other parts of the studio featuring a mirror showcase lending an aqueous disposition and poolside inspiration. The store is divided into two storeys making room for the many different lighting pieces on display to play with lengths and proportions.